Allow to use an external encoder. you can connect to plugin
built for Adobe Premiere. Please read readme_1st for more details.
Default is : Not enabled
Multi Pass:
Allow the audio and video to be read in 2 pass. You can use it if you
encode with TMPGEnc and do a 2Pass VBR.
UNCHECK this if you do CBR or one pass VBR.
Please read readme_1st for more details.
Default is : No
Custom splitting
Estimated Size
Chapter count
Selected Size
Selected Time
Frame count
Current Bitrate
Enter Bitrate
Create volume
Delete Volume
Udpate volume
Unselect All
Help on split settings
=> To create a volume, select chapter(s) in the chapter list
and click create volume.
=> To remove a volume, select the volume in the summary list
and click delete volume.
=> To add chapter in an existing volume, select the volume in the sumary list
select chapter to add in the chapter list and click Update volume.
=> To see selected chapter(s) in a volume click in the summary list.
Volumes will be output as (Vol1) filename.mpg(avi) (Vol2) filename_02.mpg(avi),...
Hint: To select quicly chapters use the keyboard.
(space to select, cursor keys to move :))
Jump to
Lame settings
Filtering (-1 to disable)
Audio normalizer
Current frame
Current time
Optimal volume
Volume for less than 0.1% saturation
DVD Ripper Error
Buffer size must ne greater then 1MB
Reset buffer size to 1Meg
If you want to make overlap avoid a big buffer size (>20Meg)
You may get unwanted result
If you choose a large RAM buffer,
You may disabe virtual memory to get more speed
Cannot check standart of file generated by a plugin
Not an MPEG file
Please run P4 release for P4 filtering
Video player initialisation failed
Sound player initialisation failed
Invalid output Dimension
Cannot initialise resize filter
X1 must be greater than 0 and lower than
X2 must be greater than 0 and lower than
X2 must be greater X1
(x2-x1) must be greater than 16
Y2 must must be greater Y1
(y2-y1) must be greater than 16
Select volume in summary list
Only 16,24 and 32 bits color display mode are supported for rendering
Failed to initialise plugin
Stop process ?
Internal encoder cannot multiplex AC3, AC3 export works only with AVI and Premiere
Disable audio (output setting) if you want to export AC3 sound and do avi video
No volume is defined.
Decoder not inited, Open an IFO/VOB file first
Cannot apply setting while encoding
No IFO file found in
To concatenate mutiple file you must be sure that all of them have same stream ID,dimension,etc... Do you want to continue ?
You have selected a key search. It may cause problem when opening non DVD files. Do you want to continue ?
Stop encoder before exiting
The output resolution will be adjusted to
Do you want to continue ?
Failed to initialise player YUV rendering not supported
RGB for playing works only in 65536 color mode
already exists, Overwrite the file ?
Cannot open AVI file. Check that the directory exists and that the file is not used by another program.
Failed to initialise Lame
Failed to open audio codec
Audio codec not selected
Video codec not selected
Video codec wrong dimension or format. You have to reselect video codec each time, you change the output resolution or export format (RGB,YUV)
Lame internal error
Lame library not loaded
Not selected
Only RGB or YUY2 for AVI coding supported
Cannot load nLame.dll
Drive authentification failed,\nyou had better use IFO instead of VOB file,\nplease ensure you use the right ASPI driver.
WNASPI32 driver initialisation failed.
Invalid block found or drive may be not unlocked, Run a DVD player such as WinDVD or PowerDVD. Open the DVD and retry. The DVD player doesn't need to run during the encoding process
Cannot find DVD key !!!
Unable to read from
Unable to open for input
Unable to parse as an IFO-File
IFO parsing failed
Cannot open temporary file
Cannot allocate memory for the temporary buffer :(
Cannot write to temporary file
Can't initialise dvdhelper dll
Can't authenticate drive, Disk may be not locked
Audio format not supported
Warning the output and input frame rate are not equal, frame rate convertion will be performed
Failed to parse file, no sequence header found
Failed to parse file, no frame found
Sample not found or audio decoding error. It happens sometimes at begining or end of movie, Select continue will fill audio buffer with blank.Continue ?
Please run the P4 release for IDCT P4
Cannot export non AC3 track
MPEG2Decoder: Error during decoder initialisation
MPEG2Decoder: Error during reading input file
MPEG2Decoder: Error during seeking input file
MPEG2Decoder: Too much frames
MPEG2Decoder: Too much sample. Try other frame rate
Buffering vob file on HDD
Buffering vob file in RAM
You are going to open a DVD file with key search disabled. This may causes chrash. Do you want to continue ?
Unable to write to file
Invalid project file
Your computer cannot shutdown, Check the user priviledges
Cannot encode MPEG1/2 or Premiere file with 48KHz sound. (Use 44.1KHz conversion)
ASPI not available, The Ripper won't be able to unlock DVD drive and to read file bigger than 2GB. (Check for ASPI driver update at Do you want to continue without ASPI ?
You hacve selected 2 pass mode but you don't have selected the codec
for the 2nd pass.
Size splitting doesn't work in "2 pass AVI" mode. Nevertheless you can split by chapters.
You don't have selected the destination file name. Continue ?
This format is not supported by the plugin. Use RGB32.
This format is not supported by the plugin. Try an other one RGB32,RGB24,YUY2,YV12